Thursday, July 2, 2015

11 Walmart Fashion Fails
Walmart is a one-stop shop for everything you could ever need, isn’t it? Food, drink, hardware, clothes, jewelry… You name it. But what is the main reason you’d head down to a Walmart store? Well, because it’s a living museum. A vast building stacked full of – how can we say? – interesting characters. C’mon on, admit it. When was the last time you went into one and didn’t spy at least one weirdo? Exactly. It’s the woeful fashion fails of Walmart customers that interest us here. We’ve more sartorial slip-ups and clothes-based calamities than you can shake a particularly badly-dressed stick at. Here are our 17 favourite all-time Walmart fashion fails.
This guy’s got a Crazy Guy trifecta going here: leopard print, camouflage and a pineapple. Oh, and a bandana, shades, make-up and those shoes… You’ve got to imagine that he’s not the kind of guy who likes to blend into the background and go unnoticed. In fact, he’s the kind of guy of likes to dress like a massive leopard and wave a pineapple about the place.
This man’s got a builder’s butt, but this isn’t the kind of builder’s butt that we’re all used to seeing. This is a very special one indeed. It’s what’s known in various builder’s butt-spotting circles as ‘The Lesser Seen Front Butt’. Those suspenders aren’t really doing their job, are they? Unless they’re just there in order to frame this impressive front butt.
Look how well this dude’s blending into his surroundings. I can’t even see that tutu or those wings, can you? He’s a camouflage expert who’s clearly spent some time in the US armed forces, learning how not to be seen. Although something tells us that you might just notice a giant bald dude wearing a frilly skirt who thinks he can fly if you are looking really hard.
Is this a woman or a giant cupcake…? Either way she/it looks delicious. Chocolate frosting at the bottom, banana-flavoured icing on the top. Although this massive cupcake does look like it’s beginning to melt. So let’s hope that whoever it was that found this cake-y beauty ate it just after taking the photograph. Unless it is a woman (in which case, he better have got permission…).
Call us cynics, but we’re not convinced that this guy’s a genuine federal agent. We’re not sure why, but there’s just something about him. Maybe it’s that most Federal Bureau of Investigation workers don’t advertise their job with ‘FBI’ t-shirts. Maybe it’s the long hair. Maybe it’s the dreadul stars and stripes shorts. Maybe it’s a combination of all of those things.
‘Plaid slacks go with everything man, don’t worry about it!’ Sometimes in life, we get bad advice from people. Friends, family, colleagues – we’re told something that turns out to be false. We wonder how long it took this guy to work out that whoever told him he looked good the morning this photo was taken was wrong. Very, very wrong. That person is NOT, I repeat NOT your friend.
 Who you gonna call…? His therapist. Well, unless this fella actually is a real-life Ghostbuster, in which case we can forgive him. Although if he is a paranormal vigilante, what’s he doing staring at video games in Walmart? Isn’t there something slightly more useful he can be doing, like sucking up ghosts into his giant rucksack. Maybe he is on call…
 Pimpin’ ain’t easy. Although this lady makes it look like it just might be slightly easier than we’ve been led to believe. After all, she looks pretty relaxed as she kicks back on this bench, resplendent in red. We especially like how she’s got her phone out. Presumably this She-Pimp is putting in a call to one of her army of hoes. Check the footwear, pimps don’t even have to buy them in the right size… now thats power.
 WOW. Well, it’s no real surprise that this lady’s shopping for some new threads, is it? We’d suggest that she just buys something. Anything. Because there really is no excuse whatsoever for that t-shirt. Even if it’s telling the truth. In fact, especially if it’s telling the truth. What a truly awful thought that is. This calls for a little white lie, they never hurt anyone did they? I suggest if you see this woman,  promptly get out of her way.
Just one of these accessories would warrant a place on this list, but FOUR?! Ay, ay, ay… We don’t know which one is worse. Actually, no – hang on. We absolutely do – it’s the bag. We mean, WOW. That hat is bad, sure. And wearing slippers outside of the house? Unforgivable. But that bag? Hideous. Just hideous. But we think we’ve nailed it, sir i think your forgot to leave your tail at home.

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